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Flower Essences

What are Bach Flower Remedies?

The Bach Flower Remedies (or Essences) are a set of gentle, natural remedies made from flowers and trees that work to health and rebalance our emotions. Each of us is affected in different ways by the challenges of daily life in our culture, and sometimes those challenges can become painful and even overwhelming. Sometimes we close down our emotions to avoid further pain, yet this cuts us off from life and the joy of living. The Bach Flower Essences support our body-mind’s innate ability to heal, and can shift negative emotional states through supporting the growth of positive feelings and attitudes to life. They are safe, non-invasive remedies and easy to use. Bach Flower Remedies can also be used with children, pets and even house plants.

How a Bach Flower consultation works:

In a consultation with me, you will have the opportunity to talk about whatever issue or concern is troubling you in a safe, supportive space. Based on a careful case history, I will select one or more remedies to meet your needs. Usually I will recommend taking the remedies for between 2 and 4 weeks, followed by a further consultation if desired to review your progress. A simple issue may be resolved by a single treatment, whereas a complex or long-standing issue may take more time to resolve, and may require several different remedies.

Can Bach Flower remedies help treat physical health issues?

The Bach Flower remedies work primarily on an emotional or psychological level. Dr Edward Bach, the pioneering English doctor who developed the remedies, believed that all disease starts on this level, and that physical problems arise from untreated emotional and psychological problems that impact the body over time. By rebalancing the emotions, Bach Flower remedies can restore a sense of peace and ease to the body, which can often help with physical symptoms that are being caused by emotional tension or disturbance. However please see your health care professional for treatment of physical illnesses, as these should not be treated with Bach Flower remedies alone.

Can Bach Flower remedies be combined with an astrological reading?

Absolutely! Dr Bach and other practitioners noticed that particular astrological signs were associated with certain remedies, and your birth chart can offer useful clues to which remedies may be helpful for you. If you would like to combine a birth chart or transit reading with a Bach Flower remedy prescription, please let me know at the time of booking.