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Astrology and Holistic Counselling

What is holistic counselling?

Holistic counselling is based on a holistic, integrative understanding of the human being, incorporating physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions within the greater whole of ourselves. These dimensions are interconnected and influence each other, so that an issue on one level will often impact on the other levels. This perspective recognises that working exclusively on one level, typically the physical or mental levels in mainstream psychology, is unlikely to bring the desired results if the problem originates on other levels. Holistic counselling will use different tools depending on the area most calling for attention, recognising that issues often affect more than one area of our life.

Holistic counselling recognises that we are inherently whole, healthy beings, with a natural urge towards wholeness and wellbeing. Thus the holistic counsellor does not possess ‘the answers’ to your problems, but he or she has the training to be able to help you find those answers within, and also to provide practical life tools to help bring about the changes you are seeking in your life.

What issues can holistic counselling help to resolve?

Some of the issues people may typically bring to a holistic counselling session include:

  • Anxiety or depression impacting on my life;
  • Conflicts and communication problems at home or work;
  • Feeling creatively blocked or unsatisfied;
  • Looking for something more from my work/career;
  • A spiritual or existential crisis.

How long will I need to attend holistic counselling?

This varies depending on the person and their situation. 6 – 10 sessions will often be enough to address a problem situation and start things moving in a more constructive direction. However some people may need more or less than this. Sometimes life circumstances or financial considerations may place limits in this area, and I understand these and can adjust our work accordingly.